Wednesday 28 January 2015


Are women better drivers?


Are Men Better Drivers Than Women?

         In a year, around 36,000 accidents occur in Kerala.
         Statistics in Kerala show that of these traffic accidents, 98% are caused by male drivers. Does it mean 2% are caused by women? NO, in 2% accidents, the drivers are not known. They are hit & run cases!
         Statistics also show that of the total 75 lakh licence holders in the State, only 16% are women and of the 86 lakh registered vehicles, only 9% are owned by women!       
         From the 1.2 lakh women drivers, no one has caused an accident! So, it is safe to assume that women are better drivers than men?

Battle of the sexes

         It is found that women drivers are

1. more cautious, they are not rash
2. do not over-speed
3. obey traffic rules and fear violations
4. do not drink & drive
5. often wear seat belts
        However, almost 40% women fail the driving test in the first trial while over 80% men pass their first tests! Why is that? Are women are more scared at the time of testing their driving skills? Also, women take more time to park their vehicles, do not like putting on loud music while driving and hardly ever increase speed beyond 80 km/hr. Men are confident of themselves and in a society where women are perceived as the weaker sex, women drivers are scorned by men. In fact, I have heard it from male drivers several scoffing remarks about women drivers. 
       Whenever a car is slow and my vehicle get stuck behind it, my husband says without fail- "That car at the front? I bet the driver is a woman," much to my chagrin! When I drive, I get a lot of stares and even some dirty comments. If a car driven by women take some time to move after the traffic signal has turned green, then she is scared off with deafening horns from the cars behind her, of course from male drivers. I have seen women two wheelers put to much trouble by men. I once saw a lady in a scooter, scared out of her senses by a man in a bullet who intentionally overtook her through the extreme left, quite close to he. He intentionally swerved the bullet to frighten the lady. She too swerved to avoid collision, slid and fell. When someone pulled her up from underneath her scooter, she went into tremors and vomitted. The cruel man who did this had vanished by then. The injuries on the lady were small, but I heard her swear, "Oh, my husband tells me not to drive this, I'll never do it again!"
         When I was in college, a smart girl used to come in a scooty to college. We admired her quite a lot. One day, she was covered in soot when she reached the college. She went straight to the toilet to clean up. When she came back very wet, I asked her what happed. She told me with a smile- "My neighbour, a boy stdying in engineering college thre cow dung at me!" I was shocked. "Why?" I asked. She replied- "Oh, jealousy. He does not have a vehicle and has to go in a bus to college every day! He tried to hide after he threw dung at me, but I saw him." I feared she may stop riding her scooty from that day. But the next day morning, I saw her riding merrily inside the gate of Women's College with a bigger bag than usual. "Now I pack up an extra pair of dress, you know!" she explained with a wink. 
         I wish women in Kerala had half her spirit!


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